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About Us

Mr Jasper Says Founder Pam Doerf


Pam Doerf is the founder of Mr Jasper Says and the designer of the scents.

For many years, she struggled to find masculine scented candles to buy for herself and her style-conscious male friends.  

After losing her holiday rental business to Covid, and spurred on by the rave reviews she was receiving on her candles, she emerged inspired to follow her true passion for candle-making.


Mr Jasper Says that the days are gone when scented candles were just meant for ladies.

Mr Jasper crafts home fragrances that suit the masculine taste. Earthy fragrances like amber, musk, tobacco, sandalwood, or leather are some of our scents we use to design our own unique and manly fragrances setting us apart from the usually more fruity and flowery focus.

Designed, hand-made, and labeled in Ballarat.

Mr Jasper Says is focusing on creating a product that is not only a great gift or addition to a space but also as sustainable as possible. We aim to use recycled materials and materials that can be recycled where possible and that are primarily produced in Australia.

We consistently research and review our suppliers for their consciousness and impact on our planet to ensure they are aligned with our values.


Mr Jasper Says is also proudly supporting “Heart & Soul Cat Rescue”, an organisation helping abandoned cats and cats living on the streets to stop the cycle by desexing and rehoming them. We donate $1 for every order placed to this incredible organisation.

After all, Mr Jasper is a kitty himself and wants other kitties to have a beautiful and loving home too.


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