The Sweet Kinda Guy Candle: Enhance Your Charm and Charisma

There are some guys that have this manly aura that is very hard to approach, but on the other hand, there are also the opposite. Men with charisma and unique charm that light up the room with just a smile. Women love it because it is attractive, but men with this kind of aura are not just for romance and flirting-- this aura brings positivity to the room. If you are a man that also happens to be a bundle of positivity, and everyone likes you-- you can enhance that confidence with a candle made just for men like you!
The Sweet Kinda Guy Candle
You have the positive aura, you have the smile, and you have the charm! But do you have the candle that goes with your type? Here at Mr Jasper Says, we develop and create scents that match different personalities and enhance their persona. We make scents that paint a picture, and the “Sweet Kinda Guy Candle” is filled with a warm and lovely scent that is almost divine-- without smelling too feminine.
What is a Manly Scent?
To create manly scents, we think outside the box and think of ideas that are commonly associated with men. The ladies can have the scent of flowers, and the men have the musk and wood type of fragrance. It is not too strong, but rather still pleasant-- not just girly.
To put scent into words. The “Sweet Kinda Guy” candle’s scent gives off a sweet type of aroma. It isn’t really just a scent but it is a personality and character that goes well with sweet guys who have an enchanting smile and aura around anyone he comes across. It might have a sweet scent, but it still smells masculine.
Why Do I Need A Candle?
Why shouldn’t you have a candle? That is the real question. If you enjoy fragrances, bathing, relaxation, and aromatherapy-- then a candle is your first step to experience calm.
Shop the scent here!